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Advanced in Vitro Test Systems in Respiratory Toxicology


讲座题目:Advanced in Vitro Test Systems in Respiratory Toxicology

主 讲 人:张全顺 研究员 美国体外科学研究院






张全顺,资深毒理学科学家,毕业于南京农业大学,现任美国体外科学研究所(Institute for In Vitro Sciences,IIVS)教育和外联项目科学计划主任。张全顺博士曾在上海出入境检验检疫局从事产品毒理学检测及临床安全评价工作,有十年的海关检疫工作经验,2000年在美国普洛威顿斯学院和塔夫茨大学从事产品安全检测和临床评价的研究工作,积累了丰富的化妆品产品研发,安全和功效评价经验。目前他负责的化妆品体外安全功效评价教育和外联项目主要在中国,巴西和俄罗斯进行。


The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 facilitated the establishment of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), and gave it regulatory authority over the marketing, manufacture and distribution of tobacco products, including those termed 'modified risk'. The 2007 report, “Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century – a Vision and a Strategy”, The National Academies Press, Washington D.C., describes a path forward for toxicology and envisions the use of more predictive human-relevant in vitro models for estimating human health risks. Aside from the ethical considerations and often poor predictive value of animal testing, the vast numbers of chemicals requiring evaluation will require a new strategy that many researchers believe depends upon the use of competent human-relevant, in vitro/ex vivo test systems applied in a pragmatic manner. Since 2013, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc. (IIVS) convened a series of workshop conferences: 1) Workshop on Inhalation Toxicity: Pathways to Better Methods (May 1-3, 2013); 2) Assessment of In Vitro COPD Models for Tobacco Regulatory Science (December 8-10, 2014); 3) Technical Workshop for Goblet Cell Hyperplasia, Mucus Production and Ciliary Beating Assays (June 16-18, 2015); and 4) In Vitro Exposure Systems and Dosimetry Assessment Tools for Inhaled Tobacco Products (April 4-6, 2016), to bring together stakeholders representing regulatory agencies, academia and industry to address the research priorities articulated by the FDA CTP.

Collectively, In vitro models utilizing human-derived cell lines and primary cells provide endpoints that reflect cytotoxic, genotoxic, and other relevant adverse events following exposure to toxicants. More recently, the emergence of modern three-dimensional (3D) tissue culture systems of the respiratory tract provide toxicologists with test platforms that more accurately model the complex processes observed in native tissues that involve multiple cells types. Human donor-tissue derived spheroids/organoids, reconstructed human airways, and precision-cut lung slices provide conventional toxicity endpoints as well as more complex, relevant events that follow chemical exposure. The complement of multiple cell types, physiological structure, relevant toxicokinetics, and other properties of these models allow additional evaluations, including chronic-exposure related (e.g. inflammation), functional (e.g. ciliary beating assays), and other endpoints (e.g. Goblet cell hyperplasia) that can reflect more serious health complications that may lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

This presentation will provide an overview of in vitro/ex vivo pulmonary models and how they can be incorporated into a screening/testing strategy for chemicals/tobacco products that can include more complex human pulmonary adverse events that are evaluable in modern 3D systems.
